My Take on Reader Reviews
Dear Reader, I often get asked what I think about my book reviews. The short answer is, I don't; except for the feedback value, and here's why. I try to become a better writer with every project. I've never been too concerned about reviews... getting them, not getting them, good reviews, bad reviews. Please don't take that the wrong way... I love reviews because they provide instant feedback, AND a quick barometer of how I'm messaging my story. I just can't allow myself to get hung up on a 1-or-2-star review just because the plot or writing style didn't resonate with a certain reader. So, I don't relax on a good review, and I don't panic on a not so good review... I just accept the feedback and move forward. Although, sometimes it is therapeutic and a motivator to take time-out and gaze at the stars ; )
As have some big-name authors, I've received varied reviews, and I've read articles and blogs about this topic. So, I wanted to share my perspective. Good or bad, everyone has their own likes and opinions, and of course, their own genres. If you are the type of reader that sometimes skims through paragraphs, pages or chapters, and then is confused by the ending; well, you may have missed some detail or storyline (or, you just didn't like it ; ) If I have to use profanity to make a certain character more real for the reader; well, I'm sure that will turn off certain readers even though I'm portraying our society and keeping it real. If you are a big fan of the romance novel and happen to pick up one of my books, I'm sure you will be disappointed somewhere... but hopefully not completely. It just wasn't your cup of tea. My focus is on suspense and surprise, and keeping the reader guessing.
So, naturally, one person's 5-star is another person's 1-star, and vice versa.
I believe that I speak for a lot of authors who put themselves out there, and hopefully with a thick skin, that if a reader is so inclined to take the time to post an honest review, then we appreciate the feedback.
Happy reading!